Awards and honors have witnessed the growth of Hertrue, and behind the honors are the recognition of the works and us from all walks of life. With works, awards and brand building, every presentation of Hertrue's design works has experienced numerous inspiration collisions of the design team, bearing the designer's careful sketch of life scenes.
Hertrue insists on loving aesthetic life, learning is always on the road, caring for the public welfare that can really help people, and making environment-friendly design.
近日,全球最负盛名的地产奖项之一,美国TITAN Property Awards 公布获奖名单,经过专业评审机构的严格评选,桓墅空间艺术设计机构作品《凡尔赛600m²-当代中式·君子如玉》从全球众多参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获2021美国TITAN地产大奖室内设计类【铂金奖】
Recently, one of the most prestigious real estate awards in the world, TITAN Property Awards of the United States announced the winners. After strict selection by professional evaluation agencies, Versailles 600m²- Contemporary Chinese Gentleman Ruyu, a work by Huanshu Space Art Design Institute, stood out from many entries in the world and won the 2021 TITAN Real Estate Award for Interior Design [Platinum Award]
American TITAN Real Estate Awards are dedicated to recognizing the highest achievements in the real estate industry, focusing on real estate design projects that contribute to the development of global infrastructure, and paying tribute to the industry elites who create comfortable and livable environment for customers. Every year, two quarterly competitions are held to collect outstanding real estate works from all over the world.
TITAN Property Awards 2021 | Platinum Award 铂金奖
《凡尔赛600m² | 当代中式·君子如玉》
家居空间服务于人,这也决定了实用性与美观度二者始终是住宅设计一直不变的讨论点。住宅设计,需要遵循甲方精神诉求,做出空间的灵魂。空间的灵魂更像是一种看不见摸不着的东西,于人而言,则是种由内而外所散发的气质,于空间而言,则是空间所展现出的氛围感,亦可将其称作空间的气质。 商业空间基于对定位空间属性的了解,帮助甲方从整体品牌提炼出同类竞争优势点,将设计品牌战略定位与空间设计同步规划,打造助力于提升甲方品牌形象、增势助行商业回报的空间设计。 2021美国MUSE设计大奖铂金奖 2020美国IDA设计大奖铜奖 2020法国NOVUM DESIGN AWARD金奖
美国缪斯设计奖创办于美国纽约,是一项针对来自各设计领域创意专业人士及公司的国际设计竞赛,该奖项由美国国际设计奖项协会(IAA)主办,是全球创意设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一,International Awards Associates(IAA)长期以来联合超过50国,共计130位以上的国际评审,展开5种系列赛事。其中最为火热的赛事「Muse Design Awards」,面向建筑、室内、产品、时尚等广泛领域征集设计作品,发掘和支持各行业处在上升期的设计师。
Founded in new york, USA, the American Muse Design Award is an international design competition for creative professionals and companies from various design fields. It is sponsored by the American International Design Awards Association (IAA) and is one of the most influential international awards in the field of creative design in the world. International Awards Associates (IAA) has cooperated with more than 50 countries for a long time with more than 130 international judges to launch five series of competitions. The hottest event, "Muse Design Awards", collects design works for a wide range of fields such as architecture, interior, products and fashion, and explores and supports designers in various industries who are on the rise.
According to official statistics, the MUSE Design Award received nearly 42,000 entries from more than 102 countries/regions around the world. Designers from all over the world enthusiastically submitted MUSE Design Award, just to leave a mark on the design history. Hertrue Art Design by Huanshu Space Art Design Institute stood out from many works and won the Platinum Award, the fifth MUSE Muse Design Award of America in 2021.
美国IDA国际设计奖(International Design Awards,简称IDA)作为具有国际权威的设计大奖之一,评审团均由全球建筑、设计、时尚领域的知名设计师及专业媒体组成,致力于激发公众对于世界范围优秀设计的关注,引领和催生具有颠覆性和创新性的全新概念,寻找真正具有国际水准的设计作品,被誉为知名设计奖项的“风向标”。
IDA (International Design Awards), as one of the design awards with international authority, is composed of famous designers and professional media in the fields of architecture, design and fashion all over the world. It is dedicated to arousing the public's attention to the world's excellent design, leading and promoting the subversive and innovative new concepts, and looking for design works with real international standards. It is known as the "weather vane" of famous design awards.
American IDA has five categories: architectural design, interior design, product design, fashion design and graphic design. It advocates that design is sustainable, scientific and intelligent on the basis of practical innovation, and solves life problems through innovative design, giving a new life look in the future.
NOVUM DESIGN AWARD (简称NDA)是世界领先的设计奖项,是设计作品的质量和品质的证明,为多个领域的优秀设计师带来国际曝光和认可度,NDA的一大优点是其领先的全球影响力,奖项带来的效应将高度提升个人和团队的国际能见度,获奖项目将在多家媒体及NDA合作平台上发表。
NOVUM DESIGN AWARD (NDA) is the world's leading design award, which proves the quality of design works and brings international exposure and recognition to outstanding designers in many fields. One of the advantages of NDA is its leading global influence, and the effect brought by the award will greatly enhance the international visibility of individuals and teams. The award-winning projects will be published in many media and NDA cooperation platforms.
Hertrue Art Design
纯洁 和平
2020法国NOVUM DESIGN AWARD银奖 ▲获奖截图 空间元素提炼 / Space 质雅之美 / 全哑光石材 / 磨砂质感铁艺 / 自然沙漠色木饰面 / 艺术家作品 项目地址 | 金辉城•耀江府 项目面积 | 600㎡ 项目风格 | 雅质主义 全案设计 | 田艾灵 项目施工 | 十二分装饰 软陈家具饰品 | 桓墅空间艺术设计机构 固定家具 | 舍可舍定制-点击图片查看详情-