and content must be linked with nature.
当晨光透过窗帘的缝隙,轻轻拂过精致的生活场景,我们会发现,这不仅仅是一个普通的家,而是一种低奢、温润质感的生活态度的体现。When the morning light passes through the cracks in the curtains and gently blows through the exquisite life scenes, we will find that this is not just an ordinary home, but a manifestation of a low-luxury, warm and textured attitude towards life.
The home they are looking forward to doesn't need too much decoration, complicated patterns, just plain elegance.

In this case, we look for inspiration in nature. Minerals, deserts, waves ... their forms and ways of existence all tell the story of years and the charm of nature, which makes us feel softness and strength. After years of baptism, they are still waiting for the touch of nature-just as our home feels the essence of life after years of precipitation, holding each other and slowly telling.左右滑动查看➯
Each project carries its own unique story. The owner of this case is a friend of one of the designer's old customers. Originally, he had already found other companies and made good civil engineering renovation, but later he turned to us to redesign and construct. He is looking forward to starting this brand-new design journey with them.Spatial structure planning1/ 保留一楼的卧室,二楼做三个独立的空间是业主明确的需求;
It is the clear demand of the owner to keep the bedroom on the first floor and make three independent spaces on the second floor;
2/ 在重新梳理空间关系后,释放更大体量的厨房空间,也给到了原有楼梯间更开阔的视觉感;
After rearranging the spatial relationship, a larger amount of kitchen space is released, which also gives the original stairwell a wider visual sense;3/ 二楼主卧打破业主不喜欢原来的布局形式,增加主卧空间的洄游和同外部景观更好的视线交互。
The master bedroom on the second floor breaks the original layout that the owner doesn't like, and increases the migration of the master bedroom space and better line of sight interaction with the external landscape.

空间中我们寻求材质带给我们的抚慰,不规则的洞石墙面和布艺既有对撞又有呼应;弧形造型墙用金属质感漆饰面,优雅柔和的过渡中又有力量感。In space, we seek the comfort brought by materials. Irregular cave walls and fabrics both collide and echo. The arc-shaped wall is decorated with metallic paint, which has a strong sense of quantity in the elegant and soft transition.
餐厅一侧采用镜面隔断能够反射客厅面的材质元素,改变原始户型客厅在入户后方的视觉感,让空间有连贯 。The mirror partition can reflect the material elements of the living room surface, change the visual sense of the original living room at the back of the door, and make the space coherent.
以温润的笔触蕴家,用纯粹通透的格局去丰盈日常的多面可能性,自然之色填补自然而然的生活。慢煮时岁,细烹雪月,或追字逐句,或浸润百茶,松弛且惬意。Enrich the home with warm brushwork, enrich the various possibilities of daily life with pure and transparent pattern, and fill the natural life with natural colors. Slow cooking at the age of 18, fine cooking the snow moon, or chasing words one by one, or infiltrating a hundred teas, is relaxed and comfortable.材质与颜色搭配克制却富有感染力,元素的对比与融合为空间增添了细节与质感,而光的投射、结构形态和灵活的路径形成独特的空间韵味,晕染柔润的自然光线,沉浸式感受生活的哲意。
The collocation of materials and colors is restrained but infectious. The contrast and fusion of elements add details and texture to the space, while the projection, structural form and flexible path of light form a unique spatial charm, which dazzles the soft natural light and immerses the philosophical meaning of life.