我认为最好的设计是物体与空间之间,物体与建筑之间的平等对话。——Giancarlo Valle
I like to think design at its best is a conversation — between objects and styles, between objects and spaces, and between spaces and buildings. ——Giancarlo ValleGiancarlo Valle工作室向Frank Lloyd Wright、Le Corbusier和Gio Ponti致敬,为一对眼光独到的年轻客户打造了位于纽约市中心宁静的住宅。凭借着对几何物体的爱好,Giancarlo Valle塑造的空间既舒适又能打动人心,旨在创造克制、安静的氛围。
Giancarlo Valle pays homage to Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier and Gio Ponti by creating a tranquil downtown New York home for a pair of discerning young clients. With a love of geometric objects, Giancarlo Valle creates Spaces that are both soothing and stirring, aiming to create a restrained, quiet atmosphere.这座公寓里的许多家具都是由Giancarlo Valle工作室设计的,室内设计简洁而丰富,墙身板时而柔和,时而大胆,极简的线条透露着几分奢华,如此这些,确实很难找到一个准确的历史参照。但是有一件事是值得肯定的:它们是人们已经厌倦的千篇一律的、适合Instagram设计的清新解药。
It's hard to find an accurate historical reference when looking at the flat, where much of the furniture was designed by Studio Giancarlo Valle, where the interior design is simple and rich, where the color palette is sometimes soft and sometimes bold, and where the lines swing between minimalism and luxury. One thing's for sure: They're a refreshing instagram-friendly antidote to the sameness people are tired of.Martha Hunt Manhattan HomeGiancarlo Valle为维密超模Martha Hunt设计了她位于纽约曼哈顿的住宅,打造了一个温暖、宁静的家。这对于四处漂泊的职业模特来说,拥有一个家并安顿下来是件特别温馨的事情。Martha Hunt通过服装设计师Jason Wu认识了Giancarlo Valle,她评价道:“我喜欢他的独特设计理念。”
Giancarlo Valle has designed Victoria's Secret model Martha Hunt's Manhattan home for a warm, tranquil home. Having a home and settling down is warm for the roving model ambassador. Martha Hunt, who met Giancarlo Valle through fashion designer Jason Wu, commented, "I love his unique point of view."一副悬挂在公寓里引人注目的抽象派画作,引起了Martha Hunt的思考。在曼哈顿的角落里,她经受住了疫情的大部分考验。Giancarlo Valle希望为这位超模营造了一个宁静的居家氛围,在每个早晨,都可以看到Martha Hunt和她的爱狗Coco依偎在沙发上的温馨场景。
An explosive abstract painting hanging in her apartment got Martha Hunt thinking. In her corner of Manhattan, she had weathered most of the outbreak. Giancarlo Valle creates a peaceful atmosphere in the supermodel's home. Every morning, Martha Hunt and her dog, Coco, can be found curled up on the couch.Giancarlo Valle为这座位于曼哈顿的联排别墅注入了丰富的历史气息,并抒写了自己独有的风格气质。这座位于市中心的住宅看上去毫无亮点,不仅仅只是空间的狭小、白色的墙壁和一些毫无灵魂的细节,无论从哪个角度看,都是一个美学真空。
Giancarlo Valle imbues this Manhattan townhouse with rich history and writes its own rules. The downtown house looks a bit featureless, just the narrowness of the space, the white walls and the soulless details that create an aesthetic vacuum from every Angle.在某种情况下,人们往往更向往有趣的房子,而不是理想中的房子。无论是前者还是后者,这两者都是极好的驱动力,但是有趣的空间会激发人们继续探索,而理想的空间只会让人们浮想联翩。Giancarlo Valle将每个零碎的空间排列组合在一起,利用工匠的精神打造每个精致的空间。
In some cases, more often than not, people aspire to interesting houses rather than ideal houses. Interesting Spaces inspire exploration, and ideal Spaces inspire imagination, both of which are great drivers. Giancarlo Valle stitched together every fragmentary space, using the spirit of the artisan to create a delicate space.